iSPARKS provides smart parking solution that uses IP camera and Artificial Intelligence to detect occupancy status of parking spaces and illegally parked vehicles at outdoor on-street parking areas. The use of AI achieves high detection accuracy which is consistently above 90% under different weather conditions. Live parking occupancy information from the detection system is accessible through smartphone application (ConVPark App) to help citizens locate nearby available parking spaces conveniently. This reduces drivers’ time and efforts in locating street parking meanwhile smoothening the traffic flow. Meanwhile, illegal parking information are channelled through smartphone application (SpotIPark App) to ease parking enforcers in curbing double parking and vehicles parked at unmarked areas. This helps enforcers resolve illegal parking cases swiftly, thereby promoting an efficient parking enforcement. Consequently, this will increase the revenues from parking infringements to the local authorities and reduce the human labours required to perform routine patrol at outdoor street parking.