WeCare - A One-Stop-Centre to Address Bully Issues in Primary Schools


    According to the Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation, bullying affects 84% of children under 18 in some way or form. The effects of bullying are dire; their self-esteem, willingness to learn, live, and socialize can drop significantly alongside having increased stress and anxiety levels. WeCare aims to combat the problem by creating a centre that serves as a support system  school students, particularly to overcome problems associated with bully cases. It comes with a user friendly mobile application designed to allow parents an effective means of supervising their children's well-being and a medium of communication to convey potential problems faced by their children and suggestions for the school to improve the students’ wellbeing. WeCare serves as a one-stop centre to help students solve their problems, show their talents, build their characters and self-esteem via counselling sessions, trainings and extra-curricular activities. WeCare aspires to create a safe, healthy and enjoyable environment for primary school children to study and participate in other school activities.
  • Description of Invention

    Dr. Mohd Fairuz bin Abd Rahim

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • TRL Status: 2
