Wallet & Handbag-fit Banknote Reader for the Visually Impaired


    Visually impaired person facing difficulty in knowing the banknotes denomination that they hold. This invention is a fast banknote reader that aid the visually impaired to reveal the banknotes in their wallet/handbag, allows them to speed-up the cash payment process during their queuing at cash payment counter. It is a credit card size dimension (85mm width x 65mm height) of half inchÂ’s thickness device place inside a wallet/handbag next to their banknotes. This is convenient for the visually impaired users to touch their banknote on the reader, activate a tactile button to reveal the banknote value. To be convenient for the deaf-blind users, the processed result will be vibrotactile feedback(vibrated on the reader) to them on the holding banknote, whether it is a RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20, RM50, RM100, or none of them. In Malaysia, approximately 1.2% of the population(~360,000) experience blindness/visually impaired. This invention helps to boost the disabled society(especially the visually impaired) to adopt the use of electronics in daily life, that can benefit them in daily activities, enhance their quality of life and boosting their economy. The invention also can be extended to overseas market whereby banknotes are in used widely by the visually impaired person. The idea of the invention is related to Sustainable Development Goal 10-Reduced Inequalities. This new and critical invention managed to reduce inequality among the visually good and visually impaired within and among countries in handling banknotes for their daily life.
  • Description of Invention

    Ir. Dr. Wong Wai Kit

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Copyright Affirmed
    • Patent Filed
    • TRL Status: 6
