Vision Navigation Assistant Eyewear


    The "Vision Navigation Assistant (ViNA) Eyewear" is a groundbreaking invention designed to enhance the mobility and safety of visually impaired individuals. This wearable technology integrates advanced obstacle detection and distance estimation capabilities, utilizing a combination of a camera and a Raspberry Pi. The device is engineered to process real-time visual data, identifying potential hazards, and calculating distances to objects within the user's path. Through auditory feedback delivered via earphones or a bone conduction headset, users receive immediate and intuitive navigation cues, allowing for safer and more confident movement in various environments. The ViNA Eyewear's compact, lightweight design ensures comfort and ease of use, making it a practical solution for daily activities. By empowering visually impaired people with greater spatial awareness and independence, the ViNA Eyewear represents a significant step forward in assistive technology, promising to transform the everyday experiences of its users.
  • Description of Invention

    Ts. Dr. R Kanesaraj Ramasamy

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • TRL Status: 4
