Vehicle Safe Lane Changing Pre-Warning Tool


    Overtaking is a potentially hazardous driving maneuver, and improper overtaking is a major contributor to traffic accidents around the world. In Malaysia, inappropriate overtaking is a complex driving activity that often results in injuries and losses on the road. Human errors and a lack of awareness of road traffic conditions are the primary causes of most overtaking accidents. To address this issue, a safe lane changing tool has been designed to perceive overtaking intentions and assist drivers in making safe maneuvers. The tool works by determining the appropriate safety distance between vehicles to ensure a safe overtaking process. The safe overtaking tool can help reduce the number of road accidents caused by intentional lane changes, as it provides drivers with a reliable method of determining when it is safe to overtake. By taking into account the distances between vehicles, the tool can help drivers avoid collisions and stay safe on the road.
  • Description of Invention

    Ts. Dr. Sumendra A/L Yogarayan

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Copyright Affirmed
    • TRL Status: 4
