Throughput and Fairness Trade-Off System for 5G Seamless Connections


    Nowadays, increasing in wireless communication users urged the revision and development of new telecommunication technologies. Fifth generation (5G) networks standardization efforts and its stringent coverage and capacity requirements, set to provide an unlimited user experience. Thus, throughput and fairness trade-off in Non-Orthogonal Multiple access (NOMA) System in 5G Networks is really demanded. NOMA technologies allow signal interference cancelation (SIC) at one of the receiving ends to mitigate the interference between the multiplexed users. NOMA technologies have enormous potential advantages in providing a low latency, supporting more devices, allowing massive connectivity also providing throughput user’s fairness. In this invention, the PSO algorithm is designed to obtain the optimal power solution in the NOMA system. We design a hybrid resource allocation scheme (ILPSO) in order to optimize the resource allocation and to achieve trade-offs between throughput maximization and system fairness in the downlink NOMA system-based 5G network. The resource allocation complexity can be reduced by separating the user paring and power allocation scheme. The design of Single Objective Optimization (SMOO) problems using the weighted sum method (WSM) was applied to the optimization problem to convert it into a single objective function. The three (ILPSO) scenarios were investigated to evaluate the system’s fairness for the cost of the total throughput maximization. The designed method outperformed other work, and the third scenario in particular exhibited a performance that was 17%  better than GOS, 21.9 % better than MWF, and 33% better than OFDMA. Moreover, the system shows greater fairness than existing schemes, while the third scenario outperformed the first and second scenarios. Finally, the proposed scheme can satisfy the throughput maximization and fairness for the future NOMA system-based 5G network. Furthermore, we designed a prototype which is based on our designed algorithm and where this prototype is applicable for real base station for 5G network across the nation and this prototype is ready for commercialization. This invention can be commercialized with high possibility and feasible 5G network design as an optimization of 5G network resources is very important for telecommunication operators that comes at a much lower cost. It is represents the trend for future wireless 5G networks, which can provide high transmission rates and high connectivity to adopt more users in various environments.
  • Description of Invention

    Prof. Dr. Mardeni Bin Roslee

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Patent Filed
    • TRL Status: 4
