Teru Teru - A Crowdsourced Flood Prediction & Alerting Application


    Teru Teru is a flood prediction and alerting application, which is embedded with other features like flood reporting, clogged drainage reporting, evacuation centers, and food bank information, as well as CSR initiatives including drain cleaning and river cleaning. Through gamification, Teru Teru users can earn Teru Teru credits by reporting any ongoing rain/ potential flood zone at their pinned geolocations. On the other hand, the users’ real-time reporting data will be processed to predict the flood at pinned locations. Aligning with SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities and SG 13: Climate Action, the objectives of Teru Teru are to predict floods and alert users, create a Teru Teru flood awareness community and encourage the adoption of a greener and low-carbon lifestyle. Target Market: 12.5 Million users residing Kelantan, Terengganu, Pahang, Sabah, Sarawak, and Kuala Lumpur. Social Benefits: • Flood preparedness and awareness among the community (through mini games and flood escape room) • Sustainable flood prevention solution through scalable CSR Projects like River Cleaning, Mangrove Tree Planting, etc.
  • Description of Invention

    Mr. Vincent Chan

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • TRL Status: 2
