Surround Sensing-Based Water Wave Detector for Buoy


    Reservoirs, dams, and lakes in Malaysia are important to provide water resources, generate hydroelectricity, and preserve biology diversity. Many illegal activities can happen around the areas such as illegal fishing, logging, swimming, wildlife crimes and illegal waste disposal into the water; and monitoring tasks can be challenging. Different water waves can be created from different activities. One of the solutions is to use the mobile floating device to monitor the activities on the water surface. Capturing the water waves will allow us to detect abnormal situations. The floating device can also allow the monitoring process to be done at the middle of the lakes, where there is no place to mount the camera traps.
  • Description of Invention

    Prof. Dr. Lim Way Soong

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Patent Granted
    • TRL Status: 4