Smart Retailer.


    This innovating project seeks to redefine the paradigm of business location selection and recommendation by merging diverse datasets within a sophisticated analytical framework. It aims to facilitate decision-making processes by adjoining potential locations against existing businesses, employing advanced deep learning methodologies to construct a robust retail recommendation system. With a keen understanding of the pressing need for informed decision-making in business location selection, this endeavor caters to a wide spectrum of stakeholders, including entrepreneurs, real estate developers, urban planners, and policymakers. These innovative tools are designed to empower users across various industries, facilitating prudent decision-making amidst fierce competition and adaptable to diverse time frames. Central to this initiative is the integration of multifaceted data sources into an analytical platform, which meticulously evaluates the resemblance between candidate locations and established businesses, leveraging deep learning techniques, notably focusing on investigating satellite image features. Rigorous testing procedures validate the reliability of the recommendations, ensuring they are firmly anchored in research. Ultimately, this project promises to benefit a diverse array of stakeholders, providing indispensable insights derived from comprehensive analysis, thus enabling them to navigate the intricacies of the contemporary business landscape with confidence and efficiency, fostering success amidst competition.
  • Description of Invention

    Prof. Ts. Dr. Ting Choo Yee, Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Multimedia University.

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • TRL Status: 4
