
    SHARIN is a ONE-STOP immersive gamified virtual marketplace that allows merchants and customers to engage in a secure virtual environment. Focusing on the element of hyper-personalisation, there are two types of users - sellers, and shoppers. SHARIN, which is a Japanese word, means wheel as this virtual world is seen as a wheel, where it is powered by a central bank/financial institute. There are 4 pillars holding SHARIN 1. Customer lifetime value 2. Customer referral value 3. Customer influencer value 4. Customer knowledge value SHARIN provides a 3D environment platform for commercial activities and this gives users a fuller and more immersive shopping experience. SHARIN allows users to customise their own avatar characters based on their preferences. SHARIN consists of different virtual lands in the virtual world such as Commerce Land, Heritage Land, and many more. Just like in the real world, users can make friends with shoppers from different places, but without having physical distance as an obstacle. To ensure efficient and engaging communications between sellers and shoppers, we implement live VR chat in our platform. Besides, we use smart contracts in our system to assure the security and trustworthiness of every transaction.
  • Description of Invention

    Mr. Vincent Chan

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • TRL Status: 3
