Mensa Workstation


    Mensa is the future of work. Powered by the newest tools in artificial intelligence and sculpted with the core values of product design, this workstation will change the way creatives work. Now that remote work has changed the landscape of work culture, Mensa I will be the product that will make working from home a truly unparalleled experience. All your work, references, schedules, and inspiration will be looked after by Mensa 1 Ai. Be connected to your work wherever you go and when you sit at work, it’s like you never left. With secondary screens, soundbar and control panels, your workstation will make work more efficient than ever. The voice assistant Diane will help schedule, organize, plan and much more, all without missing a beat. Mensa I is for the nu-creative individual. Design statements: To design a smart workstation for the creative individual that incorporates the rising technology that is Artificial Intelligence to its benefit by helping with everything from organizing and scheduling to sourcing and optimizing existing work. Design Objectives: To design a smart table that has the aesthetic of a softer and warmer sci-fi future. To design features that would benefit designers and creatives the most by studying their work process. To use upcoming and current AI tools as a source of inspiration to create an ecosystem of tools that work together to form the MensaOS To map out digital and physical features on the table in the most ergonomic and efficient manner possible. To implement elements of traditional product design as well as modern smart furniture
  • Description of Invention

    Ku Ahmad Adzam Bin Ku Saud
