Mark Me: An Innovative Mobile Application for Secondary School Students & Teachers


    MarkMe is a revolutionary educational app designed to empower teachers, students, and parents alike. It goes beyond traditional grading systems, offering a holistic approach to education. With MarkMe, teachers can assess student's cognitive and natural abilities, track their academic performance, and provide personalized feedback. For students, the app serves as a valuable tool for self-improvement. It offers insights into their strengths and weaknesses, along with tailored resources to enhance their skills and boost confidence easily. Parents can actively engage in their children's education through MarkMe. The app fosters transparent communication between students, parents and teachers allowing them to collaborate on the student's journey to upskill and success.Important Features & Key Highlights:1. Comprehensive Assessment: MarkMe offers a complete assessment solution for educators. Beyond traditional grading, teachers can evaluate student’s cognitive abilities, including critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity. This holistic approach provides a well-rounded view of each student's development. 2. Personalized Learning Pathways: The app generates personalized growth plans based on assessment results. These plans include targeted resources, exercises and educational materials to help students improve in their weaker areas and excel in their strengths. This tailored approach enhances the learning experience. 3. Real-time Performance Tracking: MarkMe provides real time updates on student’s academic progress. Teachers can instantly identify areas where a student may be struggling and offer timely support. Parents can also monitor their child's performance, ensuring proactive involvement in their education. 4. Parent-Teacher Collaboration: The app facilitates seamless communication between parents and teachers. Detailed reports are accessible to both parties, making a collaborative effort to support the student's growth. Parents can schedule virtual meetings with teachers to discuss progress and strategies for improvement. 5. User-Friendly Interface: MarkMe is designed with simplicity in mind. Its intuitive interface ensures that teachers, students, and parents can easily navigate the app. This accessibility promotes widespread adoption and usability, regardless of technical proficiency. 6. Secure Data Management: Data privacy and security are extremely important. MarkMe employs robust encryption and security measures to protect sensitive information. The company is also planning to set up their secure data centers within Malaysia and block external access. Users can trust that their data is handled with the utmost care and confidentiality. 7. Educational Resources: The app offers an extensive library of educational resources, including tutorials, practice tests, and learning materials. Students can access these resources to reinforce their knowledge and skills, further enhancing their academic growth. 8. Cross-Platform Accessibility: MarkMe is accessible on multiple platforms, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers. This cross-platform compatibility ensures that users can engage with the app wherever and whenever it's convenient for them. 9. Progress Analytics: Users can view detailed analytics and visual representations of a student's progress over time. These analytics help in identifying trends and areas of consistent improvement or concern, enabling informed decision-making. 10. Enhanced Teacher Efficiency: MarkMe streamlines the teacher's workflow by automating assessment processes and reducing administrative tasks. Our mission is cut the assessment time for teachers while accurately providing feedback in under 3 minutes per student. This allows educators to focus more on teaching and mentoring students.MarkMe is not just an app, it is a catalyst for educational excellence. It empowers teachers to provide targeted guidance, encourages students to reach their full potential, and strengthens the vital partnership between parents and educators. With MarkMe, education becomes a collaborative journey, ensuring that every student has the support and resources needed to succeed academically and personally.
  • Description of Invention

    Dr. Mohd Fairuz bin Abd Rahim

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • TRL Status: 2
