

    LearnovaX is a one stop centre for hiring physical tutors. We provide a website/apps where parents and tutors can log in and request what they need. These tutors may not be qualified teachers, but more of an assistant for us during online classes. You may hire them on a part time basis, based on demand. The same concept how we hire our part time maids. Our tutors are mobile, available upon request and tech savvy. They will sit with the young kids during the online classes and help with whatever necessities the kids need during these sessions. And, if you do not have a laptop dedicated specifically for your children, our tutors can bring one. You need a coloured printer; our tutors can bring them. Even if you have a bad Wi-Fi connection at home, the tutors can provide you with mobile data that has the strongest connection at home. You just need to click the item needed on our LearnovaX website/apps.
  • Description of Invention

    Ms. Anushia Chelvarayan, Faculty of Business, Multimedia University

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Copyright Affirmed
    • TRL Status: 3
