Intelligent Tutor for Mathematics Teaching and Learning


    Students' mathematic performance and the perception of mathematics as a difficult subject leading to high failure rates and demotivation. Malaysia's ranking in mathematics and science, as per TIMSS, declined from 21st in 2007 to 29th in 2019. The average score also fell from 471 to 460. It is necessary to have basic math skills, regardless of the profession a person chooses to follow. The use of technology in education would be a better approach to enhance students’ learning. Therefore, a prototype of an Intelligent Tutor (referred to as a conversational agent) for mathematics teaching and learning was designed and developed to examine the effectiveness of the incorporation of an Intelligent Tutor on students’ mathematics performance. Intelligent Tutor is a cheap and easy-to-use educational tool that allows students to learn mathematics in a more friendly and pleasant way fitting modern styles of learning. It could make students' lives much easier despite the knowledge and materials they receive in a traditional classroom. It helps students to feel free to communicate and clear their doubts anytime compared to the duration they have in class. Through a quasi-experimental design with pre and post-tests, it was found that the Intelligent Tutor improved students’ mathematic performance.
  • Description of Invention

    Assoc. Prof. Ts. Dr. Tan Choo Kim, Multimedia University

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Copyright Affirmed
    • TRL Status: 4
