Intelligent Bean De-Skinning Machine: Gout Preventive Solution


    Beans tend to make people gassy and bloated. This is because the body can find it difficult to digest the beans. The beans are difficult to break down, and also, most beans have purines, which are supposed to elevate uric acid, which in turn is supposed to be bad for gout. Skin of bean being consumed is the major source of gout. Thus, a gout preventive bean deskinning machine is designed, constructed and tested in this innovation. The main objective is to remove the outer skin or husk from beans. A camera is used to capture the image of bean being fed into the crusher drum. Artificial intelligence is applied to determine to the size of the bean. An automatic linear adjuster will manipulate the spacing within the crusher drum. A specific mechanism which involves 2 gear-tooth rotational drum to crush the bean into two portions in order to loosen the outer skin. When the beans come in contact with the rough surface of the drum, the frictional force will help loosen the skin. Finally, the peeled beans are collected separately, ready for further processing or packaging. The removed skin, known as chaff or husk, is typically discarded as a byproduct.
  • Description of Invention

    Dr. Cham Chin Leei

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Copyright Affirmed
    • TRL Status: 6
