Integrated Safe Driving Tool (i-SDT)


    i-SDT is aimed at enhancing road safety by promptly notifying drivers about potentially unsafe overtaking scenarios on single direction dual lane road. The system employs sensors, LoRa communication technology, and vehicle warning units to promptly alert drivers, therefore substantially mitigating the likelihood of accidents and injuries. When a vehicle intends to perform overtaking, the tool will transmit the overtaking intention and receive information such as speed, coordination, and safe distance from the surrounding vehicle. With the received information, the overtaking decision can be generated to help the driver while overtaking by calculating those parameters and ensuring other vehicles’ road safety. In addition, a flood alert module is available to inform the drivers of nearby flooded road and empower them to change their route which reduces the chances of the driver being trapped and causing damage should they drive into the unknown situation. This economical and adaptable solution is designed to enhance the safety of our roadways, particularly on two lanes in one direction, while also enabling the gathering of data for future safety improvements.
  • Description of Invention

    Ts. Dr. Sumendra Yogarayan (Multimedia University)

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Copyright Affirmed
    • TRL Status: 4
