Immersive VR Painting Art Experience: Johor Through The Eyes of an Artist


    This work is an immersive and interactive Virtual Reality application that brings paintings to life in a virtual environment to captivate and engage young adults (CanvaVerse). It represents a noteworthy advancement in the field of art engagement and education, which enhanced appreciation and emotional connection. This product is a collaboration project with Think City. It explore the artwork of Johor Bahru by renowned artist, Sulaiman Esa, in the world of virtual reality. It effectively showcases the transformative potential inherent in immersive VR technology, revitalizing interest in traditional painting appreciation, and adeptly bridging the gap between the realms of art and technology.
  • Description of Invention

    Ts. Dendi Permadi, Multimedia University

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Copyright Affirmed
    • TRL Status: 5
