Fast Solver: A Mobile App Solution for Higher Education Institutions


    FastSolver is a revolutionary mobile application tailored to enhance the academic journey of undergraduate students. With a user-friendly interface and a range of intuitive features, FastSolver serves as a comprehensive companion for students seeking to optimize their university experience. The app offers real-time access to live chats, lecturers' contact info, university announcements, FAQs, shop, ensuring that students to graduate with excellence and to have a smooth university life experience and. Furthermore, FastSolver fosters collaboration through integrated study groups and discussion forums, enabling students to connect and learn collectively. Through its holistic approach to student success, FastSolver aims to transform the way undergraduates engage with their education, ultimately cultivating a more connected, informed, and empowered academic community.Important Features of Innovation:1. Announcements - For university announcements2. Faculties - Choose the lecturer from each faculties3. Homeroom - Access to the different subjects under the faculty4. Contact and Info - Important contact details of lecturers and university staff5. FAQs Frequently Asked Questions regarding the app6. Live chats - Real-time communication with the lecturers7. Rapid Response - Unique feature that allows students to get a reply from their lecturer within 24 hours8. Shop - Purchase university merchandise
  • Description of Invention

    Dr. Mohd Fairuz Bin Abd Rahim

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • TRL Status: 2
