An Optimized Routing Protocols of Differentiated Services for Vehicular Testbed


    An optimized routing protocol, such as OLSR, BATMAN, or BABEL, is deployed for differentiated services in a vehicular testbed. The protocol is tested to transmit data among vehicles in a vehicular network while measuring to ensure minimal delay, maximum throughput and maintaining a high level of reliability. The deployed protocol applies differentiated services to ensure that each type of data is treated appropriately based on its priority. For example, safety-critical data, such as collision warnings, would be given higher priority than non-critical data, such as entertainment content. The protocol is optimized for use in a vehicular testbed that enables testing of the protocols in a controlled setting. The project contributes to achieving the objectives of the National Automotive Policy (NAP) 2020 by ensuring reliable communication among vehicles in a vehicular network. The optimized protocol also prioritizes safety-critical data, aligning with the NAP 2020’s goal of promoting the safe and secure deployment of connected vehicles in Malaysia.
  • Description of Invention

    Ts. Dr. Sumendra A/L Yogarayan

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Copyright Affirmed
    • TRL Status: 3
