A Solar-Powered Autonomous Lawnmower for Unlevelled Grassland


    The present invention is concerned with an autonomous lawnmower designed to operate on unlevelled agricultural grasslands, powered by solar panels and equipped with a double pivot mechanism. The lawnmower boasts a sturdy aluminum body and metal blades, as well as a range of safety features, including an emergency stop and power button, battery power indicator, magnetic tape boundary detection sensors, bump sensors for low obstacles, and ultrasonic sensors for high obstacles. The combination of sensors helps to prevent potential accidents and increases the overall safety of the lawnmower. The incorporation of a solar panel into the design of the lawnmower not only increases its operational efficiency but also represents a notable improvement in terms of environmental sustainability. Overall, the proposed autonomous lawnmower offers a novel and practical solution to the challenges posed by mowing unlevelled agricultural grasslands. Its double pivot mechanism, combined with its robust metal blades and advanced safety features, ensures that it can operate safely and effectively in challenging terrain. The use of solar panels to power the lawnmower is also a significant advancement, promoting greater environmental responsibility and sustainability. The lawnmower's front and back wheels are mounted on a shaft that pivots up and down, providing the mower with increased stability and adaptability when traversing uneven terrain. Firstly, the lawnmower provides a practical solution to the challenge of mowing unlevelled agricultural grasslands. This feature is especially useful in agricultural areas where there may be a need to maintain large fields and areas of uneven terrain. Secondly, the safety feature is essential in areas where people and animals may be present, such as in parks, golf courses, and residential areas. Thirdly, the use of solar panels to power the lawnmower promotes environmental responsibility and sustainability, which can be highly beneficial in communities that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices. In terms of applications, the proposed autonomous lawnmower can be used in a range of industries, including agriculture, landscaping, and grounds maintenance.
  • Description of Invention

    Assoc. Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Ng Poh Kiat

  • Intellectual Property (IP) Status

    • Patent Filed
    • TRL Status: 5
